
Happy New Year.

It's New Years Eve.

2 years ago on this night I checked myself into the local mental hospital. I don't remember how I managed to get myself there, but I do remember after they took my belt and stuff and showed me to a room I was lying there and I heard the staff count down and yell "Happy New Year!"

At that time I couldn't imagine making it through another year.

That time, I was there for three months. So much has changed since then.

I'm happy. I'm looking forward. I'm in school and I'm not flunking out. I cope. I can't imagine not making it through another year.

I am very thankful for what I have and the opportunities that exist, but I am also proud of myself. I've come a long way.

I may not be partying with friends tonight, but that's a far cry from being locked up.

Happy New Year.