
paradigm shift

There's a term in science when the way of looking at the world changes. When Copernicus' work found the Sun to be the centre of the universe, that was a paradigm shift. Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection was a paradigm shift.

Could paradigm shifts be smaller? Can they apply to one person's experience?

The last two years have brought an entirely new view to the world for me. Pre-hospital and post-hospital are night and day. That April of my 24th year my entire reality moved. It was a paradigm shift.

And I've recently started university. It's a whole new world. Everything I thought I knew is going through a revision. Paradigm shift.

Maybe every day when you wake up and you decide to get out of bed and live, it's a little paradigm shift.

What about you? Does your world change? Do you find that one day everything is different and you'd better come up with a way to make it all make sense? Where are your paradigm shifts?

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